Help me Bring the next generation to Raleigh.

Hello North Carolina! I am Isaiah Payne, and I’m running for the NC General Assembly for District 99.

My goal is simple: To give voters a different option.

This option is to send a young and fired-up member of our community to the General Assembly. We are living in a time of extremely high inflation, dangerously increasing crime rates, broken school systems, and a heartbreaking disconnect between people in our communities and our law enforcement. These issues all come from our elected officials whose goals are not representing the District.

Put simply, there is no Transparency.

I will not allow this to continue for our community and my generation.

I refuse to let our leaders continue to allow this to be the standard.

My mission is to bring a fresh voice to Raleigh. A voice that is understanding and responsive to what is happening in the world today. A voice that is standing where you are, and wants to be an advocate for change for everyone - not just the few.

We are not where we once were as a nation. We need people who are willing to do the hard and tireless work of bringing us back to our roots and getting us back on track the right way.

The cost of living has made middle and lower-class North Carolinians struggle to survive. I am dedicated to fighting to bring solutions to Raleigh to help the working class by managing inflation and taxes, and bringing more businesses and self startups to North Carolina.

Hold our leaders accountable!

School choice is now a right that parents can exercise in NC and I support that. I also support making public schools a competitive choice.

As the husband of a teacher, I see firsthand how much thought, work, and care my wife and her colleagues tirelessly pour into their students. The issue with our public education system goes beyond our hard-working teachers.

I am committed to ensuring our schools are audited, allowing us to see where our tax-paying dollars go, and if they’re being spent in the best interest of your children. Education is as crucial for my generation as it will be for the next to come, so our students must get the tools they need to guide and support them from day 1.

This goes hand in hand with my support and dedication to bringing more awareness to high schoolers about alternative pathways following high school, such as trade schools and free-lance work.

No more broken school systems!

Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. What is equally true is that every community gets the kind of law enforcement it insists on.

— Robert F. Kennedy

It is time to fix the relationships between law enforcement and our communities.

We all want our neighborhoods to be safer, and lowering funding for our police departments is not the answer. I believe more funding and better training is the correct answer. Better training for correctly handling situations involving people with special needs, as well as more funding going towards fighting sex crimes and trafficking are some examples. Our community is supposed to be a safe place, a place where we can look to our neighbors. Our communities are more important than the government.

Bring back safer communities!

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